...until my big boy goes back for formal training. On Sunday we'll be driving Don to Guide Dogs and I will say my final goodbyes. I felt like these 1 1/4 years with Don went by so fast. I remember picking up Don and thinking how it would be a long, long, time away when he went back. Now, we're only 5 days from recall day. I know I'm going to miss his a ton- the way his ears go back and he gets all wiggly when I come home from high school, his adventurous spirit, his beautiful brown eyes and big black nose, his big puppy kisses, I could go on and on. Most importantly, I love how Don tries his very hardest and gaives being a puppy in training his all, even when it's hard. Maybe he doesn't ignore the dogs every single time, maybe he steals an object every now and then, but he has come SO far and every time I work with him, I can see his will and effort to do the best his big, confident self can.
Don, I hope you have a great time in formal training. I love you and my greatest hope is whether you are happy wherever you end up, and I know Guide Dogs will make sure of that. Don, thank you for the best year ever!

Above: Don at my volleyball game last week. He's a big fan :D
I hope to post everyday until Don's recall. A couple of questions- any tips for recall day? and for those of you who have raised GDB puppies, how do you do the "Fun Things About My Puppy" sheet? Can you attach other pages?
I have so much to write about; more will come later. I think Don is ready for formal training and really hope he makes it as a guide.