Don's in phase 8 this week! It's getting so exciting and I couldn't be happier :) Go, Don, go! I know he's having a great time working in the busy SF streets, navigating around cars, and doing advanced guidework. and I think he'd make an awesome guide :)
I'm having a great time puppysitting Missy during the week. She is such a sweet little girl and has been doing so well. She already knows sit and just LOVES people. She follows us around the room and when I sit on the floor, she'll crawl into my lap. ahh how I love baby puppies :D I got to puppysit Silky a couple weeks ago and had a great time with her, too. And before that, I had Nougat for the holidays. I miss being a full time puppy raiser, but puppy sitting is great for now.
Sweet little 8 week old Missy. Don't you love her calm, loving expression? She is such a smart puppy.

Missy enjoyed playing with the Jollyball (Missy in a sit, with the Jollyball rope in her mouth).
It's hard to tell in these photos, but she is sooo tiny. She's been sleeping a lot and makes all these cute little puppy grunting noises.
Sweet Nougat- she did a great job at my house!
Unfortunately, I don't have any Silky pictures, but she was super good and went on an all day shopping trip with me!
and.. a post couldn't be complete without a picture of Don. Keep it up, big boy! I love you and I hope you know how proud I am of you :)